

Root Cause

In my work with clients and with my own body, I have learned that unless I can find the root cause of whatever is going on, changes rarely take hold and last for very long. Therefore, my goal is always to find the root cause. Digestion, stuck emotions, trauma (physical and emotional), toxic and pathogenic overload, etc all speak to root cause of many different imbalances and symptoms in the body.


Many chronic conditions have their origins in the digestive system. Tune up the digestive system, fix “leaky gut”, repopulate the microbiome, and so many problems simply disappear. The brain is a mirror of the gut. Inflammation in the gut = inflammation in the brain. Reduce problems in the gut, and watch your brain start lighting up again.

Emotional Release

Emotions are energy. There are high frequency emotions, like joy and love, and there are low frequency energies, such as jealousy and shame. Often emotions come and go with no problem. Often low frequency emotions are so strong that they get stuck in the cells. Unless they are released, they can cause energy to get stuck in a low frequency pattern, creating imbalances, symptoms, and often disease. Emotional dis-ease leads to physical disease. Release trapped emotions, free up energy pathways, and allow your body to heal.

Trauma Release

Similar to emotional release, but traumas are typically based on events. It could be an emotional trauma (death of a parent at a young age) or a physical trauma (serious auto accident). Either way, the emotions of the trauma can get stuck in the body, creating stuck energy channels. Freeing the body of trauma frequencies can allow the body to heal, both emotionally and physically.


When I was younger, it was cool to say I’ve only had 3 hours of sleep for the last 5 days. Wow! Look at me! I’m so cool! What I know now is that lack of sleep creates all sorts of physical and emotional problems. For instance, the brain detoxes during sleep. If you aren’t getting enough sleep, your brain isn’t detoxing and all those toxins create havoc in the brain. Let’s get good quality sleep.

Immune System

Pathogens are becoming stronger and stronger. Bacteria, viruses, parasites/worms, and many others are becoming super-bugs. Modern technology, modern medicine, our obsession with sterile-style cleanliness are causing bugs to adapt to survive. And they are adapting into versions that our immune systems are having a hard time fighting off. We simply must strengthen our immune systems as much as we possibly can. Vaccines are not the answer – building our immune systems is key to fighting off the super-bugs.


There seems to be an epidemic of fatigue in our country these days. Fatigue, whether chronic exhaustion or acute tiredness, can be the result of many different root causes. Adrenal issues, thyroid problems, leaky gut / digestive problems, heavy metal toxicity, lack of proper sleep – the list goes on – can all run the body down over time and create the symptom of fatigue.

Weight Loss

Another epidemic we face in this country is obesity. From slightly overweight to morbid obesity, the numbers of people packing on extra pounds is exploding. Often these same people are malnourished, not from a lack of calories, but from a lack of true nutrition being absorbed into the cells. Without proper nutrition, cells cannot function properly. And guess what, chronic disorders are the result.

Chronic Pain

Many, many people live with chronic pain. Back pain is the #1 reason people miss work. The underlying root cause of pain is often not obvious, and even if it seems obvious, there’s most likely more to the story than meets the eye. If you live with chronic pain, how would your life be different if you could relieve that pain by 50%? 70%? 95%? How would your life change?


Yet another epidemic that we’re seeing come to the surface of our society is brain disease, disorders, and injury. The societal and family effects due to serious brain issues is enormous. But even the not so serious day to day lapses are becoming more problematic. Have you noticed your memory isn’t quite what it used to be? What about thinking, problem solving, creativity, learning? We blame age. But that’s not the case. Almost all brain problems are lifestyle-induced.


Quantum biofeedback is an excellent and gentle way to detox the body of a build-up of toxins. We live in a world where toxins are literally everywhere – the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, the grass we play in, the beds we sleep on, the clothes we wear. Literally, toxins are insidious. One of the biggest problems I see in my clients is clogged lymph (the body’s trash can), and an overloaded liver (our mighty livers process all those toxins). We simply must detox our bodies on a regular basis. It’s the only way to truly clean from the inside out.

Experience True Healing

Monthly Biofeedback Group

I’ve been offering the Monthly Biofeedback Group for over 3 years. Receiving frequencies in this manner has profound effects on the overall health of the body/mind.

How Do I Know This Works?

I recently sent out a survey to group members who have been in the group for at least 12 months in a row. I found two predominant themes:

1. Not one person that responded who has been in the group for 12 months or longer has gotten sick in the last year (longer if they’ve been in the group longer)………cold, flu, COVID (vax or no vax), etc.

2. Many people said they feel healthier overall, more grounded, stronger, calmer, more energy, more stability in their bodies, more awareness of body and mind, more in tune with their bodies, able to make better decisions overall and for their health, better sleep, feel different at a very deep, cellular level. WOW!!

What A Few Group Members Had to Say

“I feel all around healthier and stronger. I have a lot more energy, vibrancy and vitality in my body. I eat way less. Less food gives me so much strength and energy.” Marie, Business Owner.

“I feel steady in the energy I have throughout the day. I feel more in touch with my body and relaxed. I feel a sense of well-being and awareness which helps me make choices in my life to support my overall health.” T.A. Retired

“In general I feel calmer and more grounded in my body, more in tune with it. Because of that I am able to take better care of my body by eating well, resting at night more and by not taking on more than what I can do (which is one of my downfalls).” Silvia, Interpreter

“Sleep better. Higher energy level. I have a lot of stress in my life. This has helped immeasurably.” Carol, Hedge Fund Manager

“More peace and contentment, more in tune with my body’s needs, my intuition has gotten better. I am not 100% sure how this works, but it is incredible!” Cindy, Strategy Executive

“Despite packing up my life and business and moving across country, and all the resultant stress, I have remained healthy and strong. I definitely attribute Anna’s work in helping towards that wellness.” Gini, Massage Therapist

“I can feel the difference in how my cells vibrate!” Nancy, RN.

The Monthly Group Is For You If

  • You want deep, lasting changes at a cellular level.
  • You want to feel healthier, with better sleep, more energy, and consistent energy throughout the day.
  • You want to feel more in-tune with and aware of what your body needs in any given moment.
  • You want a stronger overall constitution.

Structure of Sessions

  • Regular, frequent biofeedback sessions: The absolute most effective way to maximize the benefits of frequency medicine is to receive regular and frequent sessions. The group receives 3 sessions per week, 3 hours per session, in the overnight hours (US time).
  • Cost effective: $150 per month for 12 three-hour sessions. Often there is a 5th week in a month, so you get a bonus week!.
  • Remote: You stay in the comfort of your own home.
  • Monthly themes: Every month we have a theme for the month, such as reverse aging (skin, muscles, connective tissue, telomeres), reverse aging from the inside out (organs, tissues, systems, and telomeres), immune strengthening, endocrine and hormones, digestion, fatigue, brain and memory, and so many more topics!

The longer you are in the group, month after month, the better your results will be. Our goal is deep healing at a cellular level – the monthly theme almost doesn’t matter when we’re going for the deepest healing we can achieve.

You can sign up month by month or in chunks of time with packages. Reach out to me and let’s see if the Monthly Biofeedback Group is right for you.

Join the Monthly Biofeedback Group Today

Pets: Muscle Testing and Frequency Medicine

Case Study: Bella and Jen Cody

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Bella’s Problem, Described by Jen

“Bella was vet diagnosed with IBD in May 2021 after chronic episodes of throwing up. She was 8 years old and prior to this diagnosis she was a healthy playful cat. I had no prior experience with cat IBD at all despite living with cats my whole life.

I began following the vet’s recommendation to treat a standard case of IBD: Hill’s Diet prescribed kibble + a slew of daily medications. Bella didn’t like the food and the medications were too harsh on her sensitive system, although I continued to treat her in this way not knowing of another option.

Bella’s conditions worsened as time passed and she became extremely ill. Months went by and I researched as much as I could about IBD, spoke with ‘experts’ in the IBD field, called various vets and pet stores for advice, etc. – you name it I had done it. But nothing was working.

I reached out to a pet psychic who after many sessions told me Bella had declined rapidly and she was starting to transition.

Bella had stopped eating, drinking, she had lost a lot of weight, she had minimal energy and could barely make it to the litter box each day. She would spend hours if not the whole day lying on the bed which was not her usual routine at all.

It was around this time that I was recommended to speak with Anna.”

Jen – During This Time….

“My love for Bella is beyond words, so I was not only devastated by what was transpiring but I was panicking.

I oscillated between extreme anxiety and hyper-vigilance / determination / manic behaviors as I continued to try anything that might work.

I had this knowing inside of me that Bella wanted to live mixed with feeling completely out of control not knowing what more to do to save her life.”

Bella’s Progress Working with Anna

“Working with Anna literally saved Bella’s life.

This is not an understatement; this is the Truth. Anna’s brilliant muscle testing of Bella led us to try Nexus biofeedback sessions.

Anna’s muscle testing showed Bella was 80% already transitioned and 20% still here yet there was a small chance of hope as Bella was open to receiving these treatments.

We discovered through muscle testing that Bella had a parasite in her belly that was causing the IBD symptoms. So, Bella received Nexus treatments every couple of days for the first few weeks and slowly she started getting better and coming back to life.

The difference in just a week was remarkable. Now, 4 months later Bella is not only alive but she’s the healthiest she’s ever been!

She’s even healthier than she was prior to the IBD diagnosis. It’s truly a miracle.

What the vets couldn’t do in 6 months, Anna was able to heal in just weeks.

Bella is still receiving ongoing Nexus treatments and living a very happy cat life. She’s gained all her weight back, she’s on gentle supportive supplements (no medications), eating mostly a raw diet/high nutritional foods, playing every day, and just all around relaxed and happy.”

Bella’s Life Now!

“Bella is living a vibrant healthy life and is a very happy cat! We play and snuggle and keep each other company every day. I feel comfortable knowing the path forward and what kinds of treatments, supplements, and food work well for Bella’s sensitive body.

I am also incredibly grateful each day for the extended time I have with Bella. I feel calmer and supported in knowing Anna is continuing to support Bella should any additional issues arise.

A happy cat equals a happy home!! “

Jen’s Experience with Anna

“I have deep gratitude for Anna. She is incredibly caring, supportive, knowledgeable, kind and compassionate. I’ve reached out to Anna many times in tears and/or in a distressed emotional state and she was so patient and understanding. She has always made the time and space to help resolve whatever issue has arrived.

I really enjoy being in Anna’s presence, it’s calming and supportive. She brings great ideas and an abundance of knowledge and solutions that work! Whenever I felt I was at a dead end, Anna had another solution that brought even greater relief and joy.

The uniqueness in Anna’s approach is using muscle testing to tap into what would be of highest service to Bella and her body. These are not standard treatments but recommendations/solutions that are customizable and tailored to Bella’s specific needs.

Muscle testing is the secret to the magic behind how quickly and ease-fully Bella has healed.

There are not enough words to describe how thankful I am to have found Anna!!”

Experience True Healing